Hello dropshippers Today we are gonna discuss about How to setup a Profitable Dropshipping
Dropshipping Store ? no no not how to setup a dropshipping store that's a topic that everyone knows nowadays, but people are struggling to become a profitable Dropshipper and struggling to get sales on Thier store so we will talk about some rare facts that a guru don't tell you before setting up a store, we will teach you some very rare tips that you should add ( or change) while setting up a dropshipping store and these tips will help you a lot…
As Drop shipping is an extremely popular business model for new entrepreneurs, especially genZers and millennials, due to internet marketing skills far outweighing financial capacity.
Since you don’t need to stock or handle the items you are selling, it’s possible to start a drop shipping business with limited funds.
An ecommerce website that operates a drop shipping model purchases the items it sells from a third-party supplier or manufacturer, who then fulfills the order.
This not only cuts operational costs, but it also frees up your time to focus all of your efforts on customer acquisition.
If you are ready to start a business that can compete with retail giants, and do so on a limited budget, then follow these 10 steps below.
While it doesn’t take a lot of startup funds to launch a drop shipping business, it will require an immense amount of hard work.
1- Research on trends / niche :-
Before setting up a store without proper research on trends and niche will drown up all your budget that you want to put on dropshipping business.
Let's first discuss about Why do we need a niche for dropshipping :-
Why do we need a niche for dropshipping? Well, as you can understand, the dropshipping
market is exceptionally competitive. There are thousands of sellers in this market. So, if you
need to penetrate this highly dense market and start selling, you must need an effective
marketing strategy.
When it comes to marketing, it is easier and effective to target a small group of audience with similar interests. If you target a small group of people with similar interests, you can build your brand message easily to resonate their interests. This boosts your chances of making a sale, like magic.
So let's discuss on some great tips that you should keep in mind before choosing a niche for your dropshipping business and that's :-
● Huge profit margins :- when you are running a dropshipping business your full mindset
would be focused on marketing strategy and customer experience and selling a product
that cost $40 would require the same amount of hard work while selling a $400 cost
product but the profit in selling a $400 product is more so I would recommend to Select a niche with higher priced Products.
● Research on Google :- Before choosing a niche directly you should be very specific
that Are people looking for your Product and whats type of interest they have for that
Use Google’s Keyword Planner and Trends to check some common search terms
related to your potential niche. If nobody is searching for what you are planning on
selling, you are dead in the water before you even begin.
● Sell something that isn’t readily available locally :- Pick something that
your customer can’t find down the street easily by Thier own. That way, you become
more attractive to a potential customer.
3- Finding a good/ reliable supplier :-
Selecting suppliers is a critical step that every dropshipping business needs to take. But
there are so many factors that need to be taken into consideration when you’re looking
for dropshipping suppliers. And that's finding a good reliable supplier before making any
deal with the suppliers you should :-
● Contact your supplier. If possible try to call them directly. Some of the Chinese
suppliers may prefer emails over the phone calls. Anyhow try to be in contact
with your suppliers. This helps to build a healthy relationship with your suppliers,
which enables you to get better support down the road.
● Order samples from your suppliers and competitors. After all, it is better to know
what you sell. Compare the product qualities and see your possibilities of outranking your competitors.
Some Supplier providing and dropshipping companies are listed below :-
● AliExpress
● Alibaba
● Doba
● Wholesale central
● Dropship direct
I would prefer you to choose AliExpress because it's very easy to use and it's the only
dropshipping oriented platform that can provides a single product to your customer address if needed and is very trustworthy you don't have to think anymore about paying to an unknown website.
I once have paid $200 for my orders with customers addresses file and the seller failed to deliver that much quantity so AliExpress helped me to get my money back. And now it's my main focused platform but if you are new you should take the measures I have told above.
3- Research on trends and competition :-
As I have said earlier Dropshipping business is very competitive business nowadays as many
gurus have risen influencing peoples to jump into dropshipping business without giving them perfect knowledge but we here at dropshipping Culture will provide you every true aspect point of where you should take measure and be very specific.
Remember you will competing some eCommerce giants for selling your products to the interested people for that you have to carefully research on the keywords , trends and marketing. use Google Keyword planner to
search about the competition on your niche keyword and related keywords that you can use instead of those keywords to rise your store and win the competition.
4- Setting up your Store :-
The fastest way to launch a website that supports a drop shipping business model is to use a simple ecommerce platform such as Shopify.
You don’t need a tech background to get up andrunning, and it has plenty of apps to help increase sales.
Setting up a Shopify store is simple
just sign-up for 14 day free trial ,name your store , attach your domain, Choose the perfect
theme for you ( free or paid it depends on your budget) add your product with the help of oberlo write beautiful product description that describes your product at best use pictures of your product to elaborate in the description , Add reviews from alireview app available on Shopify app Store it helps to import product reviews.. and trust badges, timers and stock inventory reminders it will help alot to make sales and will make your store look trustworthy and
All set now!!
5- Expand socially :-
Create social media pages of your store/ products/ niche on various social media platforms available on the internet nowadays to interact with your interested audience keep on posting the contents related to your niche that will gather your audience attention towards it.
It's the step you should take before launching ads and making your store Live ask for customer email and tell them that you are launching a store with this niche it's pre-marketing campaign.. it helps a lot
to push on traffic to a new website and will also gather a huge social attention.
6. Start Advertising :-
Once you have setup your dropshipping store and done all the other things to make it live in front of the world with pre-marketing techniques ( told in above point ) you are ready to start advertising for your dropshipping store. Follow these points to advertise and get hit with your store :
Setup business manager :- you have created facebook pages now to start advertising you should make a business manager on Facebook with your FB account also create a Google AdWords and Google Adsense account
Install pixel :- Go to your business manager account and Google AdWords account , copy Their pixel code from them and paste it in your Shopify store. you can search for any YouTube video to install pixel on Shopify store.
Launch ad :- After we are all set up we are gonna launch our first ad campaign through Facebook as you have installed both Facebook and Google pixel on your store and it will track every person that will come on your store and it will help you to Retarget them and make them your buyers.
Let's start , Make a good video and launch your first ad with Facebook all the essential details to launch your ad is provided here…
7. On Time Delivery :-
You have setup a good store launched your first ad and you are getting visitors to your store and eventually good number of sales, a person when sees a new online store would buy only from you because of the trust that impacted on him but his main concern is that will the product will deliver and will it be on time so to make your new customer a regular buyer from your store you should deliver the product on time and should rely on the products quality too that's the factor which effects every dropshipping store to retain its presence in the market and stand forward with the competition. For that you should follow these steps :-
Go on AliExpress and search for your product when the search list came up , see the ship from bar coming up on the right side of the page click on that and choose USA and now you will see the seller's who also have Thier warehouses in the USA and have less shipping time because they deliver with USPS.
As dropshipping is growing day by day so many shipping solutions have came up with many new possibilities available for the dropshippers like us.
These are some warehouse and stock storing facility providing website and sellers in Usa that will Provide warehouse, packaging and delivery solution for your dropshipping business at minimal cost.
8. Payment providers :-
All of the above setups would be a huge failure if you aren't using a trusted and famous payment provider you should loose a lot of sales while doing everything right. Because people wouldn't trust you if they don't see a trustable payment provider at the checkout page that's why I suggest to every dropshipper to use :-
PayPal and Stripe both at the same time because they both are trustable all across the world and have been very loyal to Their customers in case of any fraudulent.
They also provide a huge variety of card acceptability so a person can buy from you without any hassle. Using both can be more satisfying because it will help you to gain more sales as a person who doesn't have PayPal account can pay you through by card.
These payment providers are the best choice for our dropshippers community because of the processing fees and pay out time is very low so you can easily use them and sell your products to the people who want them eagerly..
9. Ask for Review :-
All setup you got sales delivered products on time and now have good social identity to raise your store but do you know what you need to uplift your store identify to other people.
We can Provide you a great tip that every big brands do and that is : Asking for the review of your product from the customers that have bought from you that will help you in two ways:
one you will get the people reminded of your brand / store that's the psychology concept build during ages by big brands and restaurants.
And the 2nd one that you will get the review of your work and will know what's good for your business and what's not that will let you keep updating something in your business whether its Marketing strategy, shipping , seller or something else.
10. Get Affiliates :-
Setting up a good business through dropshipping is everyone's dream nowadays but there's too much competition there out in the online market too that's why we have think out if the box to develop a new strategy for our dropshipping business to let it grow day by day itself own but that's not easy at the start so this strategy works well when you are getting good sales and great reviews from your customers then it's the best time to launch our last strategy to fit in bird eyes.
So the strategy is that the customers are now synced up in your email marketing list so you just have to type a good email for the customers who have Provide you the good reviews for your products , ask them if would they like to become your stores affiliate and for that they will get the money that would be 10% of the sale of the product price.. send it to all of them , many of them will join it immediately.
who doesn't want to make money by just promoting the thing they love to the people also love it…. And yes it will work leaving a good picture of your store in Every buyers mind and will provide you no cost marketing help too.
These are some of my strategies for my dropshipping store that I have tried and they worked well with me and I gained a huge amount of traffic as well as profit through it , if you want to achieve a goal you should do hard work as well as smart work to let your business grow day by day …
Thank you dropshippers have a nice day..